Spending a huge amount on a brand new car can only be happy if we receive all the equipment with the car. But all you notice is that the spare tire is not coming with some new cars. From 2017 to automakers slowly leaving the trend to provide spare tires. However, it is important to keep a spare tire for any emergency. A large number of new vehicles offer without this option and some drivers are not but some understand why companies took this step. Most drivers do not agree with this news but some understand why car makers took this step. As carmakers have batter knowledge than us about automobile industry improvements.
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4 Reasons Why Spare Tires Is Missing
Automakers never took any great step without mentioning the reason and to leave the trend of providing spare tires with new cars has also a reason. They clear the 4 major reasons to consumers to satisfy them.
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Improve Fuel Efficiency
A good driver must be a focus on how he can drive a car at a cheap cost. So, he can understand that if you put less weight on a car it will be more fuel-efficient. A spare tire can reduce around 23kg from your vehicle. If you want to keep a spare tire you need to keep all the equipment required to change your car tire. Reducing the weight of the vehicle can help you drive fast and increase fuel-efficient power. Increasing fuel-efficient power is important for every driver and this can be possible in a good way by reducing the weight of a car.
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Increase Space
Small cars do have not a huge space in a car to keep spare tires and equipment. The replacement of a tire can help you to make more space and manage your luggage. However, it can also be good for you to keep anything extra for your trip. Tire takes significant space for sedans and small cars. The more space in your car gives you a comfortable ride.
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Space for Batteries and Equipment for Hybrid, Electric Cars
The trend of electric and hybrid cars is very popular. Compromise on a spare tire is not painful when you have a hybrid or electric car. Mostly in hybrid and electric cars, the extra tire is missing because batteries and emission equipment take this place. This is the major reason why extra is not available in hybrid and electric cars.
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Less Manufacturing Cost
The prices of cars matter a lot for new car buyers and removing the extra tire can decrease manufacturing costs. If the manufacturing cost goes down obviously the price will also down. The replacement of the tire will decrease the cost for the manufacturer so he can offer less price to customers.
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What Are Spare Tire Option
Keeping a spare is necessary but if the replacement gives such good things you must need to compromise on it. If you don’t have an extra tire in your car you still have the option on the road. You can buy a donut for your tire size with the equipment. If you don’t have this option several car service stations offer services on the roadside you can call them for help. However, 24 hours emergency service facility is also available for you to ask for help.
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What Is Donut Tire?
Automakers do not provide spare tires in several new cars the reasons are mentioned above. So, they give replacement options like keeping donut tires in the car. Donut spare or spare saver-tire were designed according to your tire size and required small space in your car. If you have a small car you can easily keep a donut tire and manage its equipment.
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A good driver must check the tire pressure before starting traveling. It is necessary to check the tire condition and replace the tires if used for a long time. If you travel on the rigged roads usually use automakers’ recommended rigged road tires to protect traveling. If you feel necessary to keep a tire in your car you can buy an extra tire from the market.